District Zakat and Usher Officer 2018

This is the Past Paper of District Zakat and Usher Officer. This Past Paper of District Zakat and Usher Officer was taken in 2018. This past paper was taken by Punjab Public Service Commission.

1.       Caliph Abu Baker (May Allah be pleased with him) had notified the incidence of Zakat as laid down by Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). Under this dispensation the Zakat payable by an owner of twenty camels would be:
a)      Five Wasaqs of dates 
b)      Two Sheeps
c)       One cow
d)      Four goats

2.       A herd of grazing goats up to which number was exempt from Zakat?
a)      Ten goats
b)      Nineteen goats
c)       Thirty-Nine goats
d)      Fifty-One goats
3.       Zakat Collectors were directed by the Prophet (Peace be upon him) to collect zakat on animals by:
a)      Asking the cattle owners to attend his office along with an affidavit about the Zakat due to them.
b)      Visiting the place where the cattle are kept by the owner.
c)       Asking the owners to produce the cattle at a place notified for the purpose.
d)      Collecting verbal evidence about the strength of the herd.

4.       Were the poor and indigent belonging to Beni-Hashim Tribe (Prophet's Tribe) eligible to receive zakat?
a)      Yes
b)      No
c)       Only the disabled could receive it.
d)      Only distant relations of Prophet (Peace be upon him) could receive it.

5.       Norman Borlaug was:
a)      Russian Nuclear Scientist
b)      Mexican Novelist 
c)       Agricultural Scientist who developed high yielding verities of wheat
d)      Christian Missionary

6.       The Tomb of Anarkali in Lahore is:
a)      A popular shrine visited by hundreds of pilgrims every day.
b)      Housing Punjab Public Library.
c)       Under the use of Gymkhana for indoor games
d)      Housing the Punjab Archives

7.       The monster Frankenstein - a fictional character was created by:
a)      Charles Dickens
b)      Lord Byron
c)       G. B. Shaw
d)      Mary Shelley

8.       Murphy's Law briefly is:
a)      Everything that could do would so
b)      Barking dogs would seldom bite
c)       Work would expand according to available space
d)      None of these

9.       First, fully sequenced human genome was completed in:
a)      April 2003
b)      May 2008
c)       June 2007
d)      January 2009

10.    I have a dream' was a famous speech delivered by:
a)      Winston Church
b)      Martin Luther King
c)       Bill Clinton
d)      Mahatma Gandhi

11.   Yale is one of the World’s top most universities. It is based in:
a)      New York
b)      Paris
c)       Berlin
d)      New Haven Connecticut

12.   Usher is assessed and collected by:
a)      District Zakat & Usher Committee
b)      Tehsil Zakat & Usher Committee
c)       Village Zakat & Usher Committee
d)      Provincial Revenue Department

13.   The Zakat deducted at source shall be credited to:
a)      Provincial Zakat Fund
b)      District Zakat Fund
c)       Government Exchequer
d)      Central Zakat Fund

14.   The expenditure on the Administrative Division and the Central Council shall be met by:
a)      Central Zakat Fund
b)      Federal Government
c)       Through grants and atiyyat
d)      Provincial Zakat Council.

15.   What was the minimum quantity of the dates and the grain on which zakat was collected during the early Muslim period?
a)      Three Wasaq
b)      Five Wasaq
c)       Eight Wasaq
d)      Eleven Wasaq

16.   DOHA Round of W.T.O negotiations on free trade had:
a)      succeeded in 2008
b)      collapsed in 2008
c)       Borne fruit in 2009
d)      None of these

17.   Imam Khomeini spent the longest period of exile in:
a)      Iraq
b)      France
c)       Lebanon
d)      England

18.   K-2 the second highest peak of the World is situated In:
a)      Hindu Kush range
b)      Nanga Parbat
c)       Suleiman Range
d)      Karakoram Range

19.   The elections in Pakistan in which Imran Khan become Prime Minister of Pakistan took place on:
a)      January 2017
b)      July 2018
c)       June 2018
d)      September 2018

20.   Ibn-e-Khaldun was famous:
a)      Muslim General
b)      Sultan of Morocco
c)       Historian and Sociologist
d)      Religious reformer

For 2018 paper of Zakat Officer Click Here