Sub Inspector Punjab Police 2019

Given below is the solved paper of Sub Inspector 2019 which was held on 15-09-2019. This test was taken by Punjab Public Service Commission.

1.    Imran Khan is _______ Prime Minister of Pakistan:
a)    20th
b)    21st
c)    22nd
d)    23rd

2.    Thomas Jefferson was the _______ Prime Minister of United States of America:
a)    2nd
b)    3rd
c)    4th
d)    5th

3.    What is the full form of RAM?
a)    Random Access Memory
b)    Round Access Memory
c)    Random Access Mounted
d)    Random About Memory

4.    What is the Name of Hitler’s biography written by himself:
a)    Mein Kamp
b)    Hitler
c)    Hitler and Stalin
d)    None of these

5.    What is the Closest meaning of Observe:
a)       Listen
b)      Monitor
c)       Look
d)      See

6.    Babri Masjid is located in which of the following state of India:
a)       Bihar
b)      Hyderabad
c)       Utter Pardesh
d)      Punjab

7.    What is the full form of LED:
a)       Light enabled Diode
b)      Light Emitting Diode
c)       Light Engaging Diode
d)      None of These

8.    Which number comes next in the given number series. 8, 13, 10, 15, 12, 17, 14, ___:
a)       16
b)      19
c)       20
d)      21

9.    Linus is an:
a)       Operating System
b)      Software
c)       Virus Name
d)      Company Name

10.  LTE is stands for:
a)       Long Term Evolution
b)      Low Term Evolution
c)       Long Term Engineering
d)      None of the above

11.  Capital of Japan before Tokyo was:
a)       Yokohama
b)      Kyoto
c)       Hiroshima
d)      Fukuoka

12.  Pakistan is located in which region of Asia:
a)       North Asia
b)      South Asia
c)       East Asia
d)      West Asia

13.  Who is called father of Computer:
a)       Bill Gates
b)      Charles Babbage
c)       Mark Zuckerberg
d)      None of the Above

14.  Macintosh is a family of Personal Computers introduced by:
a)       Dell
b)      Apple Inc.
c)       HP
d)      Intel

15.  Which country gave the right to women for vote:
a)       United States of America
b)      United Kingdom
c)       Australia
d)      New Zeeland

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